We thank everyone who has contributed in a major or minor way to the Biodiversity of the Guianas: Cross-cultural names and Information website. This information is freely available but we ask respectfully for credit to be provided (see below).
General Contribution
Currently, most vernacular biodiversity data in this website is from indigenous collaborators in Suriname, especially many elders (eg., Kamanja, Amasina, Wuta, Korotai) in Kwamalasamutu village. Much of the indigenous name data was recorded by Dr. Mark J. Plotkin, co-founder and President of ACT, during his fieldwork in Suriname from 1982 onwards. Dr. Bruce Hoffman, ACT’s Manager of Scientific Research, also contributed data based upon his fieldwork with local communities in Suriname from 1997 onwards.
Additional sources include unpublished lists from various ACT staff and researchers and some very important non-ACT publications listed below.
We give special thanks to Chantal van den Berg and Viviane Lodewijckx for their tireless assistance on the bird section, and to Leen De Laender and Katje Delvoye for their excellent work creating the original (2016) version of this website.
How to citate?
The Amazon Conservation Team – Guianas. The Biodiversity of the Guianas: Cross-Cultural Names and Information website.
“”. Date of Access.
Website Design: Trusted Developer, Paramaribo, Suriname
Scientific advisors
John De Bruyn (Mammals and Reptiles), Arie Spaans and Chantal Van Den Bergh (Birds), Jan Mol and Kenneth Wan Tong You (Fishes), Bruce Hoffman (Plants), and Daniel Winkler (Fungi))
Photographs and Illustrations
ACT Photo Database, Raphael Covain, Rakesh Debisarun, Malaïka Debusschere, John De Bruyn, Katia Delvoye, Michel Gardaud-Audine, James Hitchcock, Bruce Hoffman, INRA – Pierre-Yves Le Bail, Vanessa Kadosoe, Dick Lock, Viviane Lodeweckx, Jan Mol, NZCS – Nationaal Zoölogische Collectie Suriname, Paul Ouboter, Gunovaino Marjanom, Monique Pool, Jan Ranson, Mark Sabaj-Perez, Chantal Van Den Bergh, Joke van den Heuvel, Fleur van der Sterren, Pieter and Siela Teunissen,Tomas Willems, Philip Willink, Daniel Winkler, and Mark Wright. We are thankful for their collaboration on this project and their willingness to freely share their photographs.
Some of the photographs used were ‘Creative Commons’, indicated with (CC). The credits for these photos are provided in the captions.